Jodi is our third generation of Coppertop Goldens. She is Dixie's daughter out of her second and final litter, sired by CanCH Goldcker's How Canoe Say That CanAGN FDCH-G, aka "Joey". Jodi's call name is a tribute to both her parents as it is simply a combination of the first two letters of each of their call names. Her registered name is a salute to the fact that the breeding came about as a result of our falling in love with her daddy at the Calgary Stampede, and it sure suits Jodi's spunky personality. She has her mother's quirky sense of humor, her daddy's easy-going nature, and a bomb-proof temperament with lovely looks from both of them. She is a real charmer who loves all creatures great and small.
Jodi's accomplishments:
- Canine Good Citizen certificate earned 8/22/09
- Tracking Dog (TD) title earned 3/28/10 on her first try at the Davis DTC test held at Mather Regional Park, CA
- CCA (Certificate of Conformation Assessment) earned on her first attempt at the GRCA National Specialty on 9/28/10
- Tracking Dog Excellent (TDX) title earned 4/10/11 on her first try with a blazing time of only 7 minutes!!!
- Junior Hunter (JH) title completed with 4 legs in 4 tries in 2 weekends -- 4/30/11 & 5/2/11 in Fallon, NV, and 6/4/11 & 6/5/11 in Loon Lake, WA
- GRCA Versatile Companion (VC) title requirements fullfilled on 6/5/11 with completion of her CCA, TDX, and JH
- Canadian Rally Novice (CanRN) title earned in one 3-day weekend (6/24-25-26/11) in Grand Prairie, Alberta, with 3 perfect scores and 3 first places
- Earned 1st place Open Bitches and Reserve Winners Bitch at Grand Prairie, Alberta, Canada, on 6/26/11
- Rally Novice (RN) title completed 8/7/11 at the Monterey Bay DTC trial; title earned with 2 first places and 1 perfect score
- Rally Advanced (RA) title completed 10/15/11 at the Bakersfield OTC trial; title earned with 3 first places and 2 perfect scores
- Companion Dog (CD) title completed 10/22/11 at the NORCAL GRC Specialty with a perfect score of 200 under judge Mike Bavilacqua;
title earned with 3 legs in 3 tries with scores of 199, 199.5, and 200, respectively, plus first places and High in Trials on all 3 legs!
- Rally Excellent (RE) title completed 11/26/11 at the Golden Valley Kennel Club show; title earned with 3 first places and 1 perfect score
- Jodi's Novice obedience run consisted of 8 trials; she remained undefeated, earning 1st place and High in Trial at every show, including winning HIT runoffs against seasoned OB/UB winners for 4 of her 8 HITs. She maintained an average score of 199, with a high of 200 and low of 198.5, which made her the #1 Novice Golden in the country in 2011, according to the GRCA's obedience rankings for highest average score by class. We are very, very proud of her for living up to her name and showing everyone that she does indeed know how to "cowgirl up"!
- Companion Dog Excellent (CDX) title completed 5/27/12 at the Hangtown KC trial; title earned with 3 legs in 3 tries in 2 consecutive weekends and scores of 199 (1st & HIT), 198.5 (3rd), and 199 (2nd), respectively. Jodi was shown a total of 10 times in Open B in 2012 and again maintained a 199 average, with one score of 198.5 and all other scores being 199's and 199.5's.
- Jodi currently has 12 High in Trials - 8 from Novice, 3 from Open, and 1 from Utility, the last earned on her first UD leg. She has 2 UD legs.
- Whelped her first (and only) litter on 1/31/13 - 3 girls and 1 boy, out of Canoro's Just Add Water Can CDX MH WCI

November, 2011

Jodi's 2011 "Year in Review"
TDX, JH, CanRN, RN, RA, RE, CD, 8 HIT's, Perfect 200

Junior Hunter Title! May-June, 2011

New CD and Perfect 200!!! 10/22/11

Rally Novice - Leg #3 8/7/11 |

Rally Novice - Leg #1
GRCA National Specialty 2010

Rally Novice Title - 8/7/11 |